Saturday, January 12, 2013

Why do you ask?

Over the last couple of years I have ran into people who want to know why I run or why I eat healthy. Some even pick on me or laugh at my food choices.  They have even tormented me by waving 'fast food" in front of me saying it wont kill you!  LOL  They are right,a cupcake or cookie or even a cheese burger every once in awhile isn't  that  bad and wont kill you , but a daily regimen and over eating can. Especially eating fast food or foods that are processed. I have watched several people in the last few years face health problems at a fairly early age.  Is it fair? No, but life isn't about fair. It's about living and that is what I intend to do!

So in order to "live" I need to focus on me and what I can do to help prolong my life.  I am 48 years old ( I usually lie and say 37) and I have a teenage daughter that is 15.  I want to see her graduate high school, college and go into her career. I want to see her marry and start a family. I can't imagine her going through life without me or me not being physically able to help her or enjoy future grand kids. I lost my mother to breast cancer when I was 17 and I will do everything I can to keep myself healthy so my daughter hopefully does not have to endure that. My Dad was recently diagnosed with cancer in his intestinal tract. This has lead me to change the way I eat and what I eat. I am opting for a "cleaner" way of eating meaning less processed foods. Anything that can sit on a shelf for month is not good for you. It contains chemical that could possibly increase your cancer rate .

I began running a few years ago with the help from a Girl Scout who set up a couch to 5k group in our community. I was instantly hooked! I loved it and have continued to run ever since!  I have set goals and reached them which in turn made me set higher ones. I personally believe everyone should run if they are able. ( if they cannot run do to physical disabilities then I run for them with my heart)  To be a runner does not mean you have to run far or fast. You just have to run !  I have a commitment to exercise and research shows it is vital to your health. You are never too old to start! My running goal for 2013 is a full marathon ( 26.2 miles) I have already registered for one so there is no backing out.

Back in the spring of last year I worked out with a group of high school kids every morning at 5:45 am. We did INSANITY. What a great program! Those kids showed up every morning to face the intense cardio workouts like champs!  The INSANITY workout lead me to research the company that is behind the workout. That is how I discovered Beachbody.  I read about other companies that offered nutrition and supplements but only Beachbody offered  the complete package, workouts plus nutritional support. I immediately signed up as a coach!  I love all of the support of my team! I have learned so much about health and fitness which has lead me to pursue a certification as a Personal Trainer. I have a long way to go but I will get there. I want to help others start to become more active and take control of their health, not only for themselves but for their loved ones.

So now when people ask me why, I just say.."I do it for the ones I love"



  1. This is awesome!!! My wife just recently started Less Mills Pump and she wanted to that because last year she found out she had a tumor in her head. She had it removed and the doctor say that if she keeps in good shape she will be less likely to get knocked down if this happens again!! Keep up the good work!!

  2. YES!! I have a lot of health problems in my family and already found out that I am pre-diabetic at 22 years old! You have definitely inspired me to start running. Getting up early tomorrow morning and starting a C25K program as well. I am so excited!! keep up the great work Pam!!!

  3. An awesome answer and a perfect reason! :) I have seen too many people I love miserable or die too young because of not taking care of themselves. This is totally one of my WHY's too!
